About Us

Welcome to gylyb – Your Gateway to Institutional Sales Success!

At gylyb, which stands for "Get Your Library-Your Bridge" we're dedicated to revolutionizing the way products are recommended and subscribed within institutional settings. Our platform serves as a bridge between entrepreneurs, publishers, and institutions, empowering individuals to unlock their potential and grow in the world of institutional sales.

With a focus on transparency, efficiency, and innovation, gylyb simplifies the process of recommending products for institutional library purchases. We provide a seamless platform where entrepreneurs, known as InflueNeurs, can browse, select, and promote products to institutions with confidence, earning commissions for successful sales.

gylyb is committed to maintaining the privacy and ensuring a discreet and confidential operating environment for InflueNeurs. Whether an entrepreneur is willing to earn or an institution seeking quality products, gylyb is here to redefine the rules of influence and entrepreneurship.

Join us in rewriting the narrative of institutional library subscriptions. Discover gylyb – Get Your Library-Your Bridge – and become part of a community dedicated to empowering individuals and transforming the way products are sold/subscribed in institutional settings.


We empower entrepreneurs and institutions, revolutionizing institutional sales and subscriptions through a seamless platform. By bridging the gap between entrepreneurs, publishers, and institutions, we foster transparent, efficient, and innovative partnerships.


We envision a world where entrepreneurs and institutions seamlessly collaborate to revolutionize institutional sales and subscriptions.


Transparency. Collaboration. Innovation. Empowerment. Integrity. Customer-centricity.

These values shape our platform, empowering individuals and transforming institutional sales and subscriptions.

Popping up the idea-

The idea for gylyb started when a friend of ours lost his job in the publishing industry. He used to work for a top academic publisher in a high position, and he seemed really successful. But when he lost his job, he felt completely lost.

We realized that this friend had amazing connections with institutions and was well-liked by decision-makers everywhere. So, why was he feeling so down?

That's when we came up with the idea for gylyb. We realized that someone like him or professional in library industry, with great contacts and influence, could easily self grow if we provide him products to sell. We wanted to create a platform where people could recommend products or services and earn money, no matter where they were in the world.